Updated: 08/02/2022
At Happy Place Pilates your health and safety is our priority. We have been monitoring the COVID-19 situation closely over the past years, and will continue to do so as restrictions and guidelines fluctuate. We will continue to implement all relevant Australian Government recommendations and industry specific recommendations set out by Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA).
What we are doing to keep you safe and healthy:
- Providing hand rub and hand wash stations for use pre and post session
- QR code available upon arrival. We do ask that you have the Service NSW App on your device for a quick check in
- Practitioners wear face masks and practice regular hand hygiene
- Disinfecting frequent touch surfaces before and after each client followed by a deep clean at the end of each day
- Increased air flow with all available windows open and fan on (if you feel the cold please bring a jumper to wear until you warm up)
- Limiting session numbers to a maximum of 4 people (including instructor) to adhere physical distancing recommendations for the room size
- Reorganising the set up of equipment and restructuring sessions to avoid crossover of equipment use
- Reminder posters to practice good respiratory hygiene and physical distancing
- Client screening for COVID-19 symptoms (fever, cough, short of breath, sore throat), exposure to a known case of COVID-19, overseas travel
- Offering vulnerable clients Telehealth options when deemed suitable
- Our Senior Accredited Exercise Physiologist and Pilates Instructor (Meredith Gadd) has completed the Department of Health “Infection Control Training – COVID-19” as at 10/05/20
- Updating your contact details and keeping attendance record for tracing purposes
- Relaxing our cancellation policy
What we need our contact clients to do:
- Let us know if you are diagnosed with COVID-19 or come into contact with a known case of COVID-19 at any stage
- Bring and use your own towel and clean socks
- Visit a hand hygiene station prior to starting your session
- Call and rebook your session if you are unwell
- Practice good respiratory hygiene and physical distancing
- Consider downloading the COVID Safe App (totally voluntary) and the Services NSW App to assist in tracing
- Be on time to your appointment, if you are early send us a message before entering to ensure the waiting area is clear and all cleaning and checks have been completed
- Avoid brining extra visitors with you where possible
- Please have your vaccination status available (you are welcome to check ours as well)
- Check in via QR code
Relocating Details
Happy Place Pilates has relocated to Bomaderry, Shoalhaven as of December 2020. Online sessions will continue as normal. In house sessions will commence January 2021. Happy Place Pilates has a NSW COVID Safe Plan in place for our new location. If you are interested in booking in and would like to join the wait list, feel free to contact us.