0426 950 020

North Nowra, Shoalhaven NSW


Post-natal Clinical Pilates Recovery Series


This series is brought to you by real Pilates Mumma and Accredited Exercise Physiologist Meredith Gadd. Meredith steps you through each session, sharing her post pregnancy recovery journey and providing useful movement education to help you get the most out of each session.

Please find descriptions for each video further down this page.

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This series of 30 minute videos strips it back to basics to ensure you are working from a solid base of support, then builds you up from there. The videos are designed for you to progress at your own pace, remembering post-natal recovery is different for each of us. Each session has been thoughtfully put together to ensure movement safety for many common post-natal conditions including:

  • Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP)
  • Diastasis Recti (abdominal muscle separation)
  • Pelvic instability (pubic symphysis/sacroiliac joint)
  • Lower back pain
  • Pelvic floor weakness (stress incontinence)

This Post-natal Clinical Pilates series is a well rounded exercise approach that addresses:

  • Inner core including pelvic floor
  • Postural strength and mobility
  • Muscle slings that cross the pelvis
  • Functional strength

Before commencing any post-natal exercise, it is recommended that you check with your health care provider.


  1. Post-natal Recovery Session 1

Meredith steps you through the fundamental postural alignment, breath work and inner core connections (including pelvic floor) from which Pilates is based. The session then moves into a series of gentle exercise aimed at improving core strength (including pelvic floor) and stability. The session finishes with some gentle stretches aimed at balancing out the postural changes that come with nursing your babe.

  1. Post-natal Recovery Session 2

Meredith steps you through exercise progressions, to build on what you have been working on in session 1. This session aims to further improve core strength (including pelvic floor) and stability. The session continues to promote balancing out the postural changes that come with nursing your babe.

  1. Post-natal Recovery Session 3

Meredith steps you through further exercise progressions, to build on what you have been working on in session 2. This session aims to further develop core strength and starts to build functional strength with the addition of a resistance band. In this session you are encouraged to start using the skills you’ve learnt and applying them to everyday tasks.